Team Coaching

Team Cohesion

Rediscovering How to Work Together in a Changing World

Everyday Team Dysfunction

  • Is hybrid working not quite working?
  • Is culture becoming unglued?
  • Is collaboration difficult or just not happening?
  • Are people focusing on 'busywork' and tasks, not value or problem-solving?
  • Are there mismatches of expectations between different generations in the workplace?

Overcome dysfunction and improve interpersonal communication by discovering and developing the three fundamental needs for effective group dynamics:

  • Inclusive Attention
  • Shared Intention
  • Authentic Connection

T-Group Method

Also called Encounter groups, T-Groups are immersive experiences involving a small number of participants within which learning comes through analysis of their feelings, reactions, perceptions, and behaviour.

Psychological Safety

At certain points, team coaching experiences can feel intensely uncomfortable.  The activity is designed to evoke real experiences and introduce challenges that take participants way beyond their comfort zones. 

The condition of psychological safety is preserved so that we can explore experiences that evoke strong opinions and emotions. The  feedback is live, irrefutable and impossible to deflect.

Participants learn from each other

Group coaching involves:

Experience - Whatever happens in the room add to the learning experience

Reflection - Making meaning of the experience

Conceptualisation - Understand experience and developing principles

Experimentation - Exploring the learning in collective problem-solving and decision-making
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